Researchers from Offenburg examine the efficiency of Danish export subsidies


As part of an international research project, Professor Andreas Klasen and Professor Mathias Bärtl from the Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering analysed the performance of "EKF Denmark's Export Credit Agency". In collaboration with Canadian government consultants from International Financial Consulting, a comprehensive benchmarking analysis was conducted for this purpose.

Prof. Klasen (2nd from right) and Prof. Bärtl (3rd from left) together with EKF CEO Anette Eberhard (3rd from right) and colleagues
© Andreas Klasen

Prof. Klasen (2nd from right) and Prof. Bärtl (3rd from left) together with EKF CEO Anette Eberhard (3rd from right) and colleagues.

Researchers from the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences examined the efficiency of comparable economic development instruments, particularly in other European countries. They also interviewed numerous exporters, banks and foreign buyers.

EKF is Denmark's official state export credit agency. The Danish government uses it to provide exporters and investors with financing as well as credit and investment insurance. The aim is to support companies in doing business abroad, as international trade is a sustainable driver of economic growth in Denmark

Many companies are increasingly experiencing challenges with growing political unrest, an uncertain global economy and a limited commercial supply of export finance. Government funding such as EKF are an important building block to reduce economic and political risks as well as to secure financing for exports and foreign investments.